International Relations and Diplomacy

Why study?

  • Cooperation vs. Conflict

    Although everyone expresses their wish to live in a world of peace and well-being where all people have the opportunity to develop their own potential to the fullest extent, we witness conflict and intolerance among people every day. Can this be changed? With the right skills and knowledge, it can. Come and find out how!

  • Economic and social development

    Tolerance among peoples and nations is a direct path to creating successful communities, advancing in economic and social way. Is this at all possible and how can it be achieved? These are the questions we seek answers to. If they are your questions too, come and become part of our team!

  • Become part of the success – today!

    Seek answers to these and other questions in the company of those who strive to succeed, just like you do! Use the opportunities we offer or create your own, which will make you happy and independent. We make it easier!
  • 100

    University study programme

  • 100

    Full time: September / February

  • 100

    Part time: September / February

  • 100

    Where? Zagreb! Dubrovnik!

  • 100

    4 semesters / 2 years

  • 100

    120 ECTS

  • 100

    7.000 €

  • 100

    university master of international relations and diplomacy


Thanks to their partnership and through cooperation with the world’s leading universities, Libertas and the University of Zadar are the first institutions in Croatia that offer a graduate study programme in International Relations and Diplomacy, and thus provide students from Croatia and abroad with education in several academic disciplines of international relations and diplomacy. The graduate study programme has been designed in accordance with the programmes of other international universities.

During their studies, in compliance with the Bologna Declaration, students will earn 120 ECTS points. Upon completion of the programme, students will be able to find jobs in preferred institutions or they can continue their studies at the postgraduate doctoral level at any international university. Students can enroll in the graduate study programme in International Relations and Diplomacy in Dubrovnik (in English), or in Zagreb (in Croatian).

Where: Dubrovnik campus – classes taught in English, Zagreb campus – classes taught in Croatian


Download the list of compulsory and elective courses and / or modules of the graduate study of International Relations and Diplomacy here.

Learning outcomes

LO 1 concisely present attitudes, knowledge, ideas, problems and solutions supported by arguments

LO 2 formulate strategies of diplomatic negotiation and conflict resolution

LO 3 plan and organise written forms in international trade, academic activity and diplomacy

LO 4 develop communication strategies for enhancing diplomatic and academic communication

LO 5 revise current political issues and integrate them in a wider geopolitical and territorial context

LO 6 present the principles of written and oral academic and diplomatic communication according to their respective situations

LO 7 rank the most important actors and institutions in the systems of international trade and international security

LO 8 relate the current issues in international political relations with the perspectives and analysis levels in the theories of international relations

LO 9 critically evaluate the actors in international political relations with consideration to the contexts of international security, geopolitical factors and theories of international relations

LO 10 integrate knowledge in the field of international relations with consideration to the contexts of international security, geopolitical factors and theories of international relations

LO 11 recommend ethical strategies for the behaviour of actors in international relations considering the normative ethical framework in international relations

LO 12 valorise motives, causes and consequences of events in international diplomacy

LO 13 assess the most significant threats to international security

LO 14 relate the current issues in international political relations with the application of fundamental political concepts and ideologies in particular countries (actors) in the international order

LO 15 valorise motives, causes and consequences of creating great international political, economic and security organisations

LO 16 assess the impact of actors in the existing international institutions and regimes

LO 17 make conclusions on the causes of diplomatic activity of countries with consideration to their affiliation and participation in various international organisations, institutions and regimes

Admission / Upisne informacije

*Study program taught entirely in Croatian – Zagreb

Full time study

Apply to International Relations and Diplomacy study program

All applicants who have completed undergraduate education are eligible to apply for our graduate program.
Required application materials:
Undergraduate studies diploma (original or a certified copy)
Transcript of records (original or a certified copy)
Certificate of nationality (original or a certified copy)
Birth certificate (original or a certified copy)
Copy of a passport (for international students)
Photo for a student transcript book (4×6 cm)
Photo for the Register of Students (4×3 cm)
Certification of payment of a non-refundable enrolment fee

*Note: Upon submitting application materials, applicants may be invited for an interview.

Upisne informacije

A) Uvjeti upisa

završen preddiplomski sveučilišni studij u polju ekonomije, ostvarenih 180 ECTS bodova i to s minimalnom prosječnom ocjenom od 3,8*


završen sveučilišni preddiplomski studij koji nije u polju ekonomije, ostvarenih 180 ECTS bodova i to s minimalnom prosječnom ocjenom od 3,8*, polaganje razlikovnih  ispita** iz kolegija :

  • Monetarna ekonomija
  • Ekonomika i politika međunarodne razmjene


završenim stručnim preddiplomskim studijem iz polja ekonomije za upis na ovaj diplomski studij moraju imati minimalno prosječnu ocjenu od 4,0* te položiti razlikovne ispite** iz kolegija:

  • Monetarna ekonomija,
  • Ekonomika i politika međunarodne razmjene
  • Komunikacijske vještine

*ili preporuka dva nastavnika visokog učilišta kod kojih je kandidat ostvario zapažen uspjeh na studij

**ispiti razlike se ne naplaćuju

Važna napomena: Studenti koji su završili preddiplomski stručni studij koji nije iz polja ekonomije ne mogu se upisati na ovaj sveučilišni diplomski studij.

B) Izborni postupak za upis kandidata:

Izborni postupak sastoji se od vrednovanja uspjeha na prethodno završenom studiju. Uspjeh se vrednuje na osnovi prosječne ocjene svih položenih ispita na studiju uključivo i ocjenu završnog/diplomskog rada.
Upisni postupak provodit će se dok se ne popune sva slobodna mjesta na studiju. Natječaj je otvoren do konačne popunjenosti predviđenog broja mjesta.

C) Prijave za upis i upisni postupak:

Obrazac prijave kandidati ispunjavaju na web stranici Libertas međunarodnog sveučilišta. Nakon evidencije uplate upisne rate na osobnom web portalu studenta pojavit će se tekst Ugovora o obrazovanju i plaćanju školarine s uputama za njegovo ispunjavanje i predaju.

1. Ispuniti prijavu na odabrani diplomski studij
2. Upiši studij – prije upisnog postupka potrebno je uplatiti upisnu ratu u iznosu 2.500,00 HRK (upisna rata je uključena u cijenu školarine) te s upisnom dokumentacijom pristupiti upisu u Studentskoj referadi.

Prilikom upisa u Studentskoj referadi potrebno je priložiti:

  • diploma – izvornik ili ovjerenu kopiju,
  • prijepis ocjena s prethodnog fakulteta – izvornik ili ovjerenu kopiju,
  • domovnicu ili drugi odgovarajući dokaz o državljanstvu – izvornik ili ovjerenu kopiju,
  • izvod iz matične knjige rođenih – izvornik ili ovjerenu kopiju,
  • ispunjeni državni statistički upitnik (podiže se u Referadi),
  • jednu fotografiju za indeks formata 4×6 cm,
  • jednu fotografiju za matičnu knjigu studenata formata 4×3,
  • Potvrdu o uplati nepovratne upisne rate u iznosu od 2.500,00 HRK (upisna rata ulazi u cijenu godišnje školarine).

Upisni troškovi u visini od 750,00 HRK dospijevaju nakon predaje Ugovora o obrazovanju i plaćanju školarine. Upisni troškovi uključuju sve administrativne troškove upisa poput studenske iskaznice, indeksa, obrazaca i ostale dokumentacije.


  • Career Center

    For all information about study programmes and admissions please contact:

    Contact Career Center!
  • Student Services Zagreb

    Contact for students and faculties:

    Contact Student Services  Zagreb!

    Student Services Dubrovnik

    For all information about study programmes and admissions in Dubrovnik please contact:

    Contact Student Services Dubrovnik!

97% of our graduates are employed!

94% studenata zaposleno

According to data from the Croatian Employment Service by the end of December, 2023. out of 6.868 persons who graduated from Libertas only 283 were seeking employment through the Service.


  • Start your career:

      • International departments of ministries and governments (analytics, communication, negotiations, representation),
      • International organisations such as UN organisations, EU bodies, OSCE etc.,
      • International NGOs (development, humanitarian aid, environment protection),
    • Multinational companies ,
    • International media,
    • International think tank organisations
    • Diplomacy,
    • u organizacijama koje se bave analizom međunarodnih rizika
    • Interdisciplinary analytical teams in consulting firms,
    • Academic institutions dealing with international relations,