Intervju s Jackom McConellom, barunom od Glenscorrodale-a

Jack Wilson McConell, barun McConell od Glenscorrodale-a škotski je političar. Bio je prvi ministar Škotske od 2001. do 2007.godine i član Škotskog parlamenta do 2011.godine. Danas njegov rad uključuje humanitarne aktivnosti i edukaciju mladih i studenata u cijelom svijetu. Na Libertas međunarodnom sveučilištu predaje već dugi niz godina. U nastavku slijedi nekoliko teza iz razgovora Buzara s g.McConellom.

Jack McConell o Dubrovniku:

“First of all, it’s a beautiful place with an incredible history so it’s not at all difficult to come back. But in terms of the work it’s the diversity in the classes. At Libertas I have an opportunity to teach and exchange opinions with students from all parts of the world and that makes it exciting.”

Teme koje će pokriti na svojim predavanjima studentima Libertasa:

“This semester we’re talking a lot about what I call the “rise of the outsiders”. Most people talk about populists (of which Donald Trump is now the most famous), but I like to call them outsiders rather than populists, because what they are doing is challenging the insiders, the elite, and its happening in many states in the developed world.”

Cijeli intervju pročitajte na engleskoj verziji web stranice.

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