Why study?
Fastest growing sector in Croatia
The service industry is the fastest growing sector in Croatia. Zadar has been voted the Best European Destination in 2016! Zagreb features the best Advent fair in Europe! Rijeka has been named the European Capital of Culture 2020! Make your place of residence the next top destination! Study tourism and discover how!
Enjoy travelling?
Statistics show that only few people enjoy their line of work. Tourism is not only a job, it’s a passion leading you to new destinations and bringing new people to your destination. Working in tourism is a journey of always uncovering new landscapes.
Professional study
Full time: September
Part time: February / September
Where? Zagreb, Dubrovnik!
6 semesters / 3 years
180 ECTS
7.000 €
Undergraduate professional study programme of Tourism and Hospitality Management is a modern and attractive programme aimed at all those who recognise the tourism and hospitality industry as a growing and prominent aspect of the Croatian economy. One of the key advantages of the programme is the orientation towards practical learning activities delivered by teachers, renowned Croatian professionals and economists. Our professors teach courses which are within their own domain of professional expertise and practice, at which they have achieved considerable results. Theoretical modules are taught by highly skilled lecturers, most of which are tenured full professors at the University.
In order to ensure the highest quality of the undergraduate professional study programme of Tourism and Hospitality Management, the programme has been amended.
The changes in the programme relate to:
- implementation of new courses
- implementation of professional practicum 1 and 2
- implementation of 3 modules (specialisation fields) as choices for the third year of study (Tourism, Hotel Management and Restaurant Management and Gastronomy).
The new programme was established on the grounds of the IPA project “The acquisition of the Croatian Qualifications Framework (CQF) principles in the higher education system in the tourism sector”, which has set, among others, the standards of qualifications of professional bachelors in the higher education in tourism and developed and standardised occupations in tourism. This has resulted in the implementation of 3 modules (specialisation fields) that can be selected for the third year of study: Tourism, Hotel Management and Restaurant Management and Gastronomy. By selecting one of these modules a student can direct their education to a specialised field of interest and gain in-depth knowledge and specialised competencies within the selected field.
The new programme also offers more practicum which now awards 6 ECTS credits (until now 1) and is conducted at the second and third year of study. Second year practicum is standard in nature, while third year practicum is specialised and dependent on the specific module selected by the student. This enables students to specialise not only on a theoretical but also on the practical level and to be prepared to work within the selected field. Thus far, practicum has been conducted in various tourism institutions that collaborate successfully with Libertas University, travel agencies, hotels, etc. With the new programme, students will have the opportunity for practicum in the new hotel Le Premier, owned by Libertas. This enables them to pass through all the phases of hotel business, from marketing to management, and get familiarised with working in hospitality.
Lectures are conceptualised in the way to enhance autonomous learning and creativity in students. Student workload includes independent and collaborative activities, research studies and presentation of results, both in written and oral form. Students are encouraged to assume an active role in their own education and develop skills and competencies during the course of study, which are essential for contemporary aspects of business in the European and global tourism market.
Location: Zagreb, Dubrovnik
Download the list of compulsory and elective courses and / or modules of the graduate study of Tourism and Hotel Management here.
Learning outcomes
Module A
LO 1 concisely present attitudes, knowledge, ideas, problems and solutions supported by arguments
LO 2 valorise macroeconomic indicators and their implications to economy
LO 3 relate mathematical functions and models with business purposes
LO 4 estimate the legal position and possibilities of legal protection in business
LO 5 critically evaluate comparative advantages of a geographical position
LO 6 devise and develop a specialised vocabulary and language functions appropriate to business in tourism
LO 7 assess financial reporting, accounting and accounting indicators
LO 8 recommend human resource management system corresponding to tourism activity
LO 9 recommend optimal systems of information and communication technology
LO 10 analyse social and cultural elements of tourism supply and demand
LO 11 relate quality management to the economics of tourism in total economy
LO 12 predict the calculation and form transport tariffs according to users of tourism and transport services
LO 13 recommend innovative forms of animation programmes in accordance with existing and future projects
LO 14 devise models of investment project funding in tourism
LO 15 develop business concepts corresponding to current trends in special interest tourism
LO 16 relate information technologies to marketing communication of a tourism company
LO 17 assess the level of protection and security of a tourism destination and events
LO 18 integrate operational activity of a travel agency, destination management and tourism events
Module B
LO 1 concisely present attitudes, knowledge, ideas, problems and solutions supported by arguments
LO 2 valorise macroeconomic indicators and their implications to economy
LO 3 relate mathematical functions and models with business purposes
LO 4 estimate the legal position and possibilities of legal protection in business
LO 5 critically evaluate comparative advantages of a geographical position
LO 6 devise and develop a specialised vocabulary and language functions appropriate to business in tourism
LO 7 assess financial reporting, accounting and accounting indicators
LO 8 recommend human resource management system corresponding to tourism activity
LO 9 recommend optimal systems of information and communication technology
LO 10 analyse social and cultural elements of tourism supply and demand
LO 11 relate quality management to the economics of tourism in total economy
LO 12 predict the calculation and form transport tariffs according to users of tourism and transport services
LO 13 recommend innovative forms of animation programmes in accordance with existing and future projects
LO 14 devise models of investment project funding in tourism
LO 15 develop business concepts corresponding to current trends in special interest tourism
LO 16 evaluate organisational models of a hotel company and operational procedures of support systems
LO 17 relate programme support to protection of users of hotel services
LO 18 develop campsite management and standards of camping services as part of the lodging industry
LO 19 relate hotel marketing and communication to corporate social responsibility of a business
Module C
LO 1 concisely present attitudes, knowledge, ideas, problems and solutions supported by arguments
LO 2 valorise macroeconomic indicators and their implications to economy
LO 3 relate mathematical functions and models with business purposes
LO 4 estimate the legal position and possibilities of legal protection in business
LO 5 critically evaluate comparative advantages of a geographical position
LO 6 devise and develop a specialised vocabulary and language functions appropriate to business in tourism
LO 7 assess financial reporting, accounting and accounting indicators
LO 8 recommend human resource management system corresponding to tourism activity
LO 9 recommend optimal systems of information and communication technology
LO 10 analyse social and cultural elements of tourism supply and demand
LO 11 relate quality management to the economics of tourism in total economy
LO 12 predict the calculation and form transport tariffs according to users of tourism and transport services
LO 13 recommend innovative forms of animation programmes in accordance with existing and future projects
LO 14 devise models of investment project funding in tourism
LO 15 develop business concepts corresponding to current trends in special interest tourism
LO 16 assess the adequacy of food suppliers and ingredients
LO 17 valorise the specific aspects of restaurant management, catering and banquet management
LO 18 integrate gastronomy plans with habits, expectations and cultural heritage of guests
Admissions / Upisne informacije
*Study program taught entirely in Croatian
All applicants who have completed secondary education and have passed state graduation are eligible to apply for our undergraduate programs. In addition, the following categories are entitled to enrolment:
- Applicants from Croatia with finished secondary education level prior to 2010.
- Applicants enrolled (or who were enrolled in the past) in some other institution of higher education
Required application materials:
- High school transcripts
- State graduation exam certificate for Croatian students (original or a certified copy – if taken )
- Certificate of nationality or other relevant document proving nationality (original or a certified copy)
- Birth certificate (original or a certified copy)
- Copy of an ID card*
- Photo for a student transcript book (4×6 cm)
- Photo for the Register of Students (4×3 cm)
- Certification of payment of a non-refundable enrolment fee (in Euros)
* Croatian students only
*Note: Upon submitting application materials, applicants may be invited for an interview.
Upisne informacije
A) Položena državna matura
Učenici koji u školskoj godini 2023./2024. polože državnu maturu (gimnazija, strukovni ili umjetnički programi) upisuju studij bez obveze pristupanja razredbenom ispitu.
Elementi vrednovanja su*:
- Ocjene iz srednje škole – 25%
- Hrvatski jezik – osnovna razina (B) – 25%
- Matematika – osnovna razina (B) – 25%
- Strani jezik – osnovna razina (B) – 25%
*Ukupno ostvareni bodovi jednaki su bodovima u sustavu postani student koji su kandidatima vidljivi za prijavljeni studijski program sveučilišta Libertas.
Nakon objave privremenih rang lista, kandidati mogu pristupiti postupku upisa. Prilikom upisa kandidati dolaze s ispisanim bodovima za sveučilište Libertas. (Kalendar državne mature)
Za izračunavanje školarine za stručni studij pritisnite ovdje.
Za izračunavanja školarine za sveučilišni studij pritisnite ovdje.
B) Razredbeni postupak
Elementi vrednovanja na razredbenom ispitu su:
- provjera općih sposobnosti,
- motivacijski razgovor.
Na razredbeni ispit potrebno je ponijeti:
- osobnu iskaznicu ili putovnicu,
- kemijsku olovku.
Kandidati koji su srednjoškolsko obrazovanje završili izvan Republike Hrvatske pristupaju razredbenom postupku i time stječu preduvjet za upis na sveučilište Libertas.
Termini razredbenog ispita nalaze se ovdje.
Razredbeni ispiti će se održati po potrebi.
C) Pravo izravnog upisa studijskog programa temeljem ostvarenog prava na upis na drugim fakultetima ili veleučilištima
Pristupnik koji je na drugom visokom učilištu ostvario pravo na upis te bio upisan na visoko učilište, ili pak ima status aktivnog studenta, oslobođen je polaganja razredbenog ispita.
Takav pristupnik također je dužan prijaviti se putem web stranice www.libertas.hr
O ostvarenom uspjehu na razredbenom ispitu pri drugom visokom učilištu kandidat mora prilikom upisa priložiti odgovarajući pisani dokument – potvrdu o ostvarenom broju bodova ili indeks s drugog visokog učilišta.
D) Kandidati koji su završili srednjoškolsko obrazovanje prije 2010. godine
Kandidati koji su prije 2010. godine završili odgovarajući program srednjoškolskog obrazovanja u trajanju od najmanje četiri godine u Republici Hrvatskoj mogu izravno upisati studij temeljem uspjeha postignutog tijekom srednjoškolskog obrazovanja.
Kandidati su obvezni prijaviti se putem web stranice.
Elementi vrednovanja su:
- uspjeh postignut u pojedinim predmetima,
- opći uspjeh postignut tijekom srednje škole.
Za vrednovanje općeg uspjeha uzima se prosjek iz sva četiri razreda.
Za izračunavanje školarine za stručni studij pritisnite ovdje.
Za izračunavanja školarine za sveučilišni studij pritisnite ovdje.
Prilikom upisa u Studentskoj referadi potrebno je priložiti:
- sve svjedodžbe iz srednje škole i svjedodžbu s mature – izvornik ili ovjerene kopije,
- domovnicu ili drugi odgovarajući dokaz o državljanstvu – izvornik ili ovjerenu kopiju/e-matica,
- izvod iz matične knjige rođenih – izvornik ili ovjerenu kopiju/ e-matica,
- dvije fotografije za matičnu knjigu studenata formata 4×3,
- potvrdu o uplati nepovratne upisne rate u iznosu od 330,00 EUR (upisna rata ulazi u cijenu godišnje školarine),
- preslika osobne iskaznice.
Upisni troškovi u visini od 40,00 EUR dospijevaju nakon predaje Ugovora o obrazovanju i plaćanju školarine. Upisni troškovi uključuju sve administrativne troškove upisa poput studentske iskaznice, obrazaca i ostale dokumentacije.
Primjer uplatnice:
Career Center
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Student Services Zagreb
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Contact Student Services Zagreb!Student Services Duborvnik
For all information about study programmes and admissions in Dubrovnik please contact:
Contact Student Services Dubrovnik!
97% of our graduates are employed!
According to data from the Croatian Employment Service by the end of December, 2023. out of 6.868 persons who graduated from Libertas only 217 were seeking employment through the Service.
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