Vedran Lesic is an Associate Faculty at the Center for Decision Research at the Leeds University Business School in the United Kingdom. He is working on the European Commission’s SPRING project with the primary goal of enhancing the absorption of new and new systems and technologies for improving EU energy efficiency and process efficiency. At the moment Vedran is busy with the project on redesigning and improving the way metrics on impact and innovation are being measured. Also, he recently completed his doctoral degree on the topic of “Understanding and Informing
Consumers’ About Their Electricity Use. ” If you want to hear more about his PhD project check this video blog . The contributors of this project were an interdisciplinary team of researchers, consisting of Professor Wanda Bruine de Bruin (CDR), Dr. Davis (Socio-Technical Center), Professor Ines Azevedo (Carnegie Mellon University) and Assistant Research Professor Tamar Krishnamurti (Carnegie Mellon University) .These team included methods from behavioral decision research, user research, psychology, engineering, and public policy Previously completed Fulbright Predoctoral Program at the Department of Engineering and Public Policy Department at Carnegie Mellon University.Vedran has participated in several international conferences and events and if you would like to see more of his GESA research talk click on this link.