From Poland to Dubrovnik – LIU Welcomes Erasmus Guest Professor Dr. Michał Skorzycki!

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Dr. Michał Skorzycki is a Guest Professor for Current Current Issues in International Affairs for this Spring Semester 2018.

Michał Skorzycki is a graduate of the University of Lodz (MA in International Relations, PhD in Sociology). He is currently engaged as Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Social Sciences in Lodz, Poland. His field of interest is a contemporary transformation of nationalism and national identities as well as national conflicts observed in Europe. Currently he is occupied with analyzing the possible future of Catalonian-Spanish conflict using L. Coser’s conflict theory to define the direction of its further development.The above mentioned study is conducted in the framework of a project devoted to contemporary conflicts in Spain and Hispanic culture, run by the Department of Latin American and Comparative Studies. Magdalena Śniadecka-Kotarska, who has recently been nominated ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. He is also busy with a research program “Searching for Sense of Security of Young People from the Visegrád Group Countries”, designed to highlight the sources of anxieties experienced by young people in the named countries. Presently the project is in a preparatory phase and the University of Social Sciences in Lodz plans to carry it out with their partner institutions from V4 countries.designed to single out the sources of anxieties experienced by young people in the named countries. Presently the project is in a preparatory phase and the University of Social Sciences in Lodz plans to carry it out with their partner institutions from V4 countries. designed to single out the sources of anxieties experienced by young people in the named countries. Presently the project is in a preparatory phase and the University of Social Sciences in Lodz plans to carry it out with their partner institutions from V4 countries.

Dr. Skorzycki was also awarded a scholarship from the International Visegrad Fund to conduct a study entitled “Nationalism and Myth in Political Discourse of the Czech Republic” with a view to summarizing contemporary findings related to the character of Czech nationalism. On this basis, he described the role of political elites as an introduction to the nationalist ideology and political myths, in the direction of political discourse, of the Czech Republic in the first years after the fall of communism and their contribution to the dissolution of Czechoslovakia . His goal was also to enumerate the Czech political myths and locate the position of nationalism specific to this ethnic group in the framework of classical division into Western and Eastern types.The studies in question were the beginning of the research on the cultural background of the directions and the intensity of the transformation of a post-socialist society, whose findings were published in a book “Skazani na sukcesi”. Mityczne podstawy czeskiej transformacji “Sentenced to Success: Mythical Background of the Czech Transformation”.

Combining fields of sociology and international relations, he is also interested in the international relations of the EU and international political affairs in Central Europe and has published several   papers  on these topics.

Dr. Skorzycki is also a frequent guest on local radio and TV stations  to comment on current social and political affairs.

Interested in attending one of his lectures? Join us!

Dr. Skorzycki has a set of three lectures on the following dates and times at the LIU Dubrovnik Campus: 
Monday – May 3, 2018 – 9am to 11:40 pm
Friday – May 4, 2018 – 9am to 11:40 pm
Monday – May 7, 2018 – 9am to 11:40 am

We recommend you contact us to reserve your seat! 

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