First discussion “The Fundamentals of Freedom” organized by Dubrovnik Libraries

On Wednesday, 10 Oct 2018, Libertas International University and Dubrovnik Libraries organized a public lecture in the City Library’s Saloča od Zrcala (the library’s wonderful lecture hall). The lecture was held by two of Libertas University’s adjunct lecturers, don Jerko Ban and dr. sc. Maroje Višić, while the function of third lecturer and host was served by Libertas’ assistant professor dr. sc. Stipe Buzar. In this first, of what we hope will be many lectures that are to be held once a month by various professors from Libertas, the discussion was titled “The Fundamentals of Freedom” and was approached by yesterday’s speakers from a political science, a philosophical and a theological-anthropological perspective. With promises of making an announcement of our next public lecture soon (especially given the high interest shown at the yesterday’s event), we thank the participants and guests, while extending special gratitude and appreciation to our colleagues at Dubrovnik Libraries.

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