MS – The Review Process

The Review Process

The journal International Studies publishes double-blind reviewed scholarly papers (such as Original scientific papers, Preliminary communications, and Review articles) as well as non-scholarly papers that are only reviewed by the Editors (such as book reviews, interviews, translations, and conference reports).

The term “author” used in this document applies equally to papers with one author as well as papers with several co-authors.

  1. Double-blind reviewed scholarly papers

The condition for a scholarly paper to be published in the journal International Studies is that the Editors first must tentatively accept the paper and after that also two double-blind reviewers expert within the scientific field of the paper.

After receiving the manuscript the Editors carefully analyse the scientific and professional elements of the paper and whether it fits within the thematic scope of the journal. Based on this analysis the Editors make one of three decisions:

  1. The paper satisfies and is sent out for peer review.
  2. The paper does not satisfy but may satisfy after corrections. The paper is returned to the author with instructions as to how to improve it.
  3. The paper does not satisfy and is rejected with an explanation.

For each paper sent out for peer review the Editors select two reviewers expert in the scientific field of the paper, provided that they are not employed by the author’s institution. The author and the reviewers are in a double-blind relationship where neither the author nor the reviewers learn the identity of the other party. In this way, the journal protects the integrity of the review process for both parties. Based on the received written reports of the two reviewers on the Review Form available here, the Editors make one of the following decisions:

  1. The paper is accepted for publication.
  2. The paper is returned to the author for corrections according to the instructions of the reviewers.
  3. The paper is rejected.

The final decision of the Editors relating to the publication of the paper depends on the positive view of the two reviewers. In case the two reviewers disagree on whether the paper should be published or not the Editors look for a third reviewer and abide by his or her opinion.

The categorization of the paper depends on the views of the reviewers. Authors can expect confirmation of receipt of the paper within three days after submission, a preliminary decision by the Editors on whether the paper will be sent out for peer review within two weeks after submission and a final decision on whether the paper will be published or rejected based on the reviews within 4 months of submission, and in exceptional or highly complex cases within one year.

2. Non-scholarly papers

Non-scholarly papers, such as book reviews, conference reports, interviews, and the like are not subject to an external review process, but only to Editorial Review. Authors of such texts can expect confirmation of receipt of the paper within three days after submission and the final decision of the Editors on publication, necessary revisions, or rejection of the paper within one month after submission. For any possible ambiguities or questions, potential authors can contact the Editor-in-chief of the journal, doc. dr. sc. Vladimir Filipović at