Vision and Mission


The University’s mission is to provide high-quality education and research opportunities that
motivate innovation, sustainable development and global cooperation. Aimed at creating leader
of the future, the University tend toward the integration of the latest scientific knowledge,
practical skills and ethical values, by ensuring that the students receive relevant knowledge,
applicable in modern society.

Key mission elements:

  1. Quality of education: to provide high-quality education through various study
    programmes that correspond to labour market demands and enable that students acquire
    knowledge and skills for a successful career.
  2. Innovation and research: to encourage innovation and research activities that contribute
    to the scientific and technological advancement. To provide support to students and
    teachers in the realisation of research projects that have a real effect on the society.
  3. Global perspective: to promote international cooperation and mobility, enabling students
    and teachers to participate in global academic and professional networks. To develop
    partnerships with distinguished foreign institutions and organisations.
  4. Sustainable development and social responsibility: to integrate the principles of
    sustainable development and social responsibility in all aspects of education and business
    activity. To encourage students to think about the ecological, social and economic aspects
    of their decisions and activities.
  5. Ethics and integrity: to foster ethical values and academic integrity as foundations of the
    educational process. To promote the culture of respect, transparency and responsibility
    among students and staff.
  6. Entrepreneurship and practical skills: to encourage an entrepreneurial spirit and
    development of practical skills through programmes that join theory and practice. To
    enable students to participate in real projects, internships and entrepreneurial initiatives.
  7. Development of local and global community: to actively participate in the development
    of the local and global community through educational and socially beneficial projects.
    To encourage students to engage in socially responsible activities and projects that
    contribute to the general well-being.


The vision of Libertas International University is to become the leader among educating experts in the fields of international relations and diplomacy, international business, biomedicine and health sciences and in integrating STEM subjects into the current but also new study programmes.

By its scientific vision, the University has a clear research profile, characterized by research excellence, which has been acknowledged internationally and which, through the teaching research-based process, educates future bearers of scientific research, as well as the bearers of social development, as a whole.