Libertas International University is the oldest private university in Croatia. It developed out of Libertas Business School in Zagreb and DIU Libertas International University in Zagreb and Dubrovnik. In 2016, these two institutions merged, and today Libertas International University consists of four faculties and a business school.
Classes at Libertas are held in Zagreb, Dubrovnik and Kutina, with the difference that all the classes in Dubrovnik are held in English, while the classes in Zagreb and Kutina are in Croatian.
Full-time and part-time students are given a choice between seven undergraduate, six graduate, one postgraduate specialist, and two postgraduate doctoral study program. This means that at Libertas, students have the opportunity to study from the undergraduate to the doctoral level – an opportunity not given by any other private higher education institution in Croatia. So far, the opportunities that Libertas offers have been welcomed by students from Croatia and 30 other countries from all over the world.
At Libertas classes are taught in small groups, and knowledge is acquired through an active approach to relevant topics. Students are equal participants in the process of education, and not mere passive observers that reproduce other people’s knowledge and ideas. Team work is emphasized, but at the same time special attention is paid to an individualized approach to every student, their intellectual needs, and affinities.
The biggest strength of Libertas are its distinguished professors who possess outstanding academic and professional experience. The Libertas team of renowned international scholars includes professors that have taught or are currently teaching at Harvard University, Princeton University, Georgetown University, London School of Economics, Sorbonne University, New York University, Virginia School of Law, and other leading institutions of higher education in Europe, the United States and other parts of the world. Besides, it includes present and former ambassadors, ministers, economists, executive directors, experts in international law, military generals, artistic directors, representatives to the UN, OSCE and IMF, and other prominent international institutions. This combination of academic excellence and real-world experience ensures that our study programs balance the theoretical with the practical.
Because of our dedicated and distinguished faculty, and because of the adoption of the most contemporary methods of teaching, the university educates professionals who are ready to take on leading positions in diplomacy, business, tourism and hospitality, theater, the health industry, sports management and business security.
Many Libertas alumni already hold important positions in business, diplomacy, banking, politics, sports management, tourism – both in Croatia and abroad. Out of several thousand alumni, more than 94% of them have found employment and are building successful careers.